
✿✿ Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today.      ✿✿ I am a slow walker, but I never walk backwards. - Abraham Lincoln      ✿✿ It is no use doing what you like; you have got to like what you do. - Winston Churchill

賴理查 Richard Wright 助理教授


基本資料 Information

國籍 Nationality 加拿大 Canada
職稱 Title 助理教授
信箱 E-mail 101858@ctust.edu.tw
分機 Ext. 7824
辦公室 Office 天機大樓 2樓 2224A
學歷 Education

M.A. in Sociology, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada

PhD in International Relations, NCHU, Taichung, Taiwan
經歷 Professional Experience

NTUST, lecturer (part time), 2002-2004

CTUST, lecturer (full time), 2004-present
研究領域 Research Interests ESL communicative theory, IR theory
學術論文 Publications

1.“The Fallible Nation as Image of the State: An Analysis of Max Weber’s Social Action Approach and its Implications for IR,” (淡江國際研究英文季刊 Vol. 22, No.1)

Towards an Alternative Image of the State: China/US Relations, Economic

2. “Institutions, and the State as a Unitary Purposive Actor,” PEAR, 2019 (Vol. 11,

No. 1)

3. “The Philosophical Turn: Examining the Foundational Presuppositions of

International Relations Theory…,” Malaysian Journal of History, Politics &

Strategy, 2019 (Vol. 46, No. 2)
專書 Books

Happy Trails: A Traveler’s Guide for Everyday English, by Gary Huang and

Richard Wright, Family Sky Publishers.

