
✿✿ Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today.      ✿✿ I am a slow walker, but I never walk backwards. - Abraham Lincoln      ✿✿ It is no use doing what you like; you have got to like what you do. - Winston Churchill

楊靜愉. Claire Yang 講師

基本資料 Information

國籍 Nationality 中華民國 R.O.C.
職稱 Title 講師
信箱 E-mailcyyang@ctust.edu.tw cyyang@ctust.edu.tw
分機 Ext. 7808
辦公室 Office 天機大樓 2樓 2223A
學歷 Education
碩士TESOL, Oklahoma City University, USA
博士侯選人, 國立臺中教育大學教育學系
經歷 Professional Experience
研究領域 Research Interests 學習策略、英語字彙、英語聽力、英語閱讀
學術論文 Publications

Yang, C. Y. (2023). EFL Theater Course Students' Reflection on English Learning: Applications of Self-regulated Learning to Support the Adoption of Language Learning Strategies. 人文社會科學研究: 教育類, 17(2), 89-133.

Yang, C. Y. (2022). The Effects of Self-Regulated Strategies on English Low Achievers at a Private Technological University. 國防大學通識教育學報, (12), 59-93.



楊靜愉(2016)。TBL(Team-Based Learning)教學在科技大學英文課程的成效。第三屆新教育與新教師學術研討會-海峽兩岸教師教育高端論壇。臺中市:國立臺中教育大學。


Kuo, Y.H., Yang, C.Y. & Wen, C.Y. (2012) Effects of Target Listening versus Studio Classroom on EFL Learners’ Listening Comprehension. The Selected Papers from the Tenty-first International Symposium and Book Fair on English Teaching, Taipei.

Yang, C.Y. (2011). Personality, Motivation, Language Learning Strategies and Proficiency-- A Study of Students at CTUST.101-135,中臺學報(人文社會卷)232期。

Phipps, M. & Yang, C.Y. (2011). Personality, Motivation and Proficiency: A Study of University Students’ Studying English in Taiwan. The Twentieth International Symwposium and Book Fair on English Teaching, Taipei.

Phipps, M. & Yang, C.Y. (2011). Personality and Motivation: A Study of University Students Studying English in Taiwan. The Proceedings of the 2011 CTUST ESP Conference.

Phipps, M. & Yang, C.Y. (2009). Study on the motivation of University Students in Taiwan. 2009 Trendy Application on English Language Teaching Seminar, Taichung.

Yang C.Y. (2009). Research on the CTUST Remedial Program for Graduation Requirement. The Eighteenth International Symposium and Book Fair on English Teaching, Taipei.

Kuo Y.H. & Yang C.Y. (2009). Using Spot Dictation of English Radio Programs to Improve EFL Learners’ English Listening Comprehension. The Eighteenth International Symposium and Book Fair on English Teaching, Taipei.

專書 Books

